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HospitApp is a project developed as part of the Google UX Professional Certification. It is an app that seeks to facilitate medical procedures to patients by allowing them to perform these steps digitally. My role in the project has been to perform UX research, carry out user-centered design and conduct product usability studies.


UX research, UX/UI design and testing


2 months


Users often have to visit the hospital to manage their medical appointments, pick up medical reports and prescriptions, etc...

These medical procedures take up a lot of time that they don’t have in their day-to-day lives.


Create an app to help users to manage their medical procedures in a quick and easy way, which will affect busy users with a limited amount of time in their daily lives, by allowing them to digitally book their appointments according to their availability, access their medical reports and have their prescriptions for medications at hand.

We will measure effectiveness by analyzing the number of appointments booked, views of medical reports and prescriptions used to get medication; by using the app.


As part of the research, in order to understand the problem and users, I conducted interviews with 5 users asking them about their personal experiences with medical procedures and formalities.

I also invested efforts in understanding how the market works and what the direct and indirect competition would be, through the development of a competitive audit.

_User research

By conducting interviews, collecting data and developing empathy maps, I quickly realized users' pain points and I was able to define the user persona. These insights helped me determine how to approach MVP solutions.

Before starting the research I thought that, being a health-related topic, a greater number of users would be reluctant to give up human contact for the development of some procedures. I have been surprised that there is a great need and acceptance of the idea of digitalizing medical processes to save time and improve our quality of life.

Empathy map
empathy map.jpg
User persona
user persona.jpg
User journey
User journey.jpg
Pain points


Medical procedures take a lot of time


Lack of flexibility in date and time when booking a medical appointment


Long waits to receive medical reports


Lots of bureaucracy to receive a prescription

_Market research

A Competitive Audit has been conducted with the objective of comparing apps related to medical actions and procedures.

Through the results of the study of direct and indirect competitors I was able to detect some key opportunities in the market.

Competitive Audit.jpg

1_Provide a medical appointment booking flow with the main fields of interest customizable. The fields of interest are: Insurer, center, speciality, doctor, date and time.

2_Allowing digital access to medical reports as many times as needed.

3_Provide support from medical professionals 24 hours a day.

Starting the design




Usability studies

By conducting two rounds of usability studies (with lo-fi and hi-fi prototypes), I was able to summarize the most important findings and improve the prototypes.

1_Users want a simple menu on the home screen.
2_Users comment that ‘Add to calendar’ action should be secondary.
3_Users need to have a clear appointment booking flow with an intuitive end point.
4_Users consider the use of a specific color to be important for success messages.

Design solutions

1_Simple menu on the home page with the main sections used by the user: ‘New Appointment’, ‘My Appointments’, ‘Waiting Room’, ‘Medical Records’ and ‘Medication’

2_Ability to select different options in the key fields during the appointment booking flow

3_Quick access button to 'Ambulance', as well as the possibility of 24-hour access to medical support

Final design


Unifying the main medical managements in a single platform provides users with a practical and easy solution, fulfilling its main objective.

Since this is a project that has not been implemented, we list next steps to finish developing the product and determine how well our product works with users.

_Next steps

We will measure the product through the following metrics (KPIs) to analyze mostly how users complete the fundamental flows and to know if the user understands the main structure of the app.
1_Time on task: to measure how long it takes a user to book an appointment.
2_Conversion rates: to measure the percentage of users who complete the appointment process successfully.
3_Use of navigation vs. search: to understand if the main menu is intuitive.

Moreover, we will continue to iterate the product, in relation to results obtained in new usability studies.

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